How to Bless Your Home Furnniture


ArtesMoble's high quality furniture collection offers its clients the possibility to bless the purchased furniture. When thinking about blessing furniture, the first thing we should recognise is God's providence, to receive his blessing on the fruit of our work, for the good of our family. The word "bless" comes from the Latin "bene dicere" which means "to speak well of", a reminder of the goodness of God.

A client asked us if we could bless the furniture that was going to be part of his home. The word "bless" comes from the Latin "bene dicere" which means "to say well" a remembrance of God's goodness.

It was quite a surprise to receive this consultation, it reminded us that faith in God is present in many homes, mine too and that for a Christian all material goods are a gift from God that must be put to good use to seek good. of our families, that of the neighbor and ours.

So from ArtesMoble, we decided to get down to it:

Blessed Furniture

The challenge of blessing the furniture was much easier than we thought, we only had to go to a Catholic Church, talk to the priest and stay one day to bless. The most demanding and risky thing was to bring the furniture to the parish without packing or hitting the furniture and damaging the perfect waxed finish of ArtesMoble, a finish that has recently been innovated with a treatment against bacteria, fungi, and mold that has anti-dust properties. . Finally the furniture was blessed by the Priest by the Roman rite of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church with holy water.

The Christian meaning of blessing non-religious material goods is that we lay people realize that material goods are also gifts received from God through our work and therefore we must put them to good use, so they can also become a spiritual encouragement.

Furniture blessed by the catholic rite


The blessing does not give superpowers to the furniture against knocks, or scratches from use, but it is in gratitude and commitment to give them a good use, in addition, this sacramental always has human beings as its main recipient, to whose sanctification they are ordered.

The current liturgy of the blessing of objects in the ordinary form of the Roman Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, says that objects can be blessed by both priests and lay people (Christian faithful). So if you are baptized, whether you are a man or a woman, married or single, you are part of the people of God, you can bless objects.

Here we leave you the rite so that you can bless your house, the furniture, the car...

Rite of the blessing of objects and furniture by lay people:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All cross themselves and respond: Amen.

Greeting: Let us proclaim the greatness of God, who gave man command over the works of his hands.

All respond: Amen

The Layman leading the "Minister" blessing reads:

Man, with his work and ingenuity, with the help of science and technology, expands his domain over nature more and more. Thanks to this and contributing to his own activity, he earns a great number of goods, thus contributing to improving his own life conditions and those of his peers. When certain objects are inaugurated, presenting them for the first time, a celebration that highlights how the Christian message imposes on men the inescapable and social duty of improving the world may be opportune.

Then the Minister or one of those present reads the following text from Holy Scripture.

Jn 4, 5-14: Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst again

Hear now, brothers, the words of the holy Gospel according to Saint John:

Jesus arrived at a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph; there was Jacob's spring. Jesus, tired from the road, was sitting there by the spring. It was around noon. A woman from Samaria arrives to draw water, and Jesus tells her:

-"Give me a drink." His disciples had gone to town to buy food. The Samaritan woman says to him: - "How come you, being a Jew, ask me for a drink, I am a Samaritan?" Because the Jews do not deal with the Samaritans. Jesus replied: - "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would ask him and he would give you living water." The woman says to him: - «Lord if you don't have a bucket, and the well is deep, where do you get the living water from? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well, and he and his children and his cattle drank from it? Jesus replied, "Whoever drinks this water thirsts again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again: the water that I will give him will become within him a spring of water springing up to eternal life.”

Lord's word.

Depending on the circumstances, a responsorial psalm or another suitable song may be said or sung.

Salmo responsorial

"Hallelujah! Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest;" praise him, all you angels of him; praise him, all you armies of him; praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all the luminous stars; .praise him, you heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens; .praise the name of the Lord, because he commanded it and you were created; "he fixed them forever and ever, he laid down laws that will never change."

The minister, depending on the circumstances, briefly exhorts those present, explaining the biblical reading, so that they perceive by faith the meaning of the celebration.


Before the prayer of blessing, the common prayer can also be said.

In the works and inventions of human ingenuity, we must recognize the permanent action of God the creator. It is just and fitting that we gratefully offer our praises to God and invoke him with confidence, saying:

R. Make prosperous, Lord, the works of our hands.

Eternal God, who created all things and subjected them to the domain of man, grant us to use wisely the forces of nature for your glory and the benefit of men.

R. Make prosperous, Lord, the works of our hands.

You who continually give us your Spirit, make us cooperate with him, not only with technology but also with justice and charity, in his work of renewing the face of the earth.

R. Make prosperous, Lord, the works of our hands.

You who penetrate the hearts of all, make sure that the technical progress of humanity never escapes the control of a prudent direction.

R. Make prosperous, Lord, the works of our hands.

You who want everyone, without exception, to call you Father, make the victims of all discrimination enjoy, with the help of all, the rights and common goods.

R. Make prosperous, Lord, the works of our hands.

Let's pray.

Now everyone prays for some time in silence. This silence is very important in the liturgy, even more so, it is part of it.

Then the prayer of blessing.

Bless objects and goods by laity


With folded hands, say the prayer of blessing:

Blessed are you, Lord our God, and worthy of all praise, you who, through the ingenuity and work of man, take care of the progress of all creation, and in the inventions of the human race admirably manifest your greatness and your goodness; We ask that those who wish to use this "furniture" to improve their quality of life recognize you as admirable in your works and make an effort to dedicate themselves fully to your service. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

A. Amen.

After the prayer of blessing, the piece of furniture is put in its place for the first time. Thus, the blessing precedes the inauguration, with which it is expressed that the user must have as its essential purpose the glory of God and the good of men. Depending on the circumstances, a suitable song may be performed.


The lay minister, invoking God's blessing and making the sign of the cross, says: God, from whom all good proceeds, enlighten his face upon us and guide us along the path of peace.

A. Amen.

It is advisable to end the rite with a suitable song.

Now you can ask us to bless your furniture, or you can bless it with the rite of the Catholic Church, you just need to ask your nearest parish for holy water. If you want to delve into the richness of the Catholic liturgy, consecrate your home, your company to the Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, or any other celebration, we recommend the following website: /

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